The Master Plan of the Cluster Metal Brandenburg was created in the framework of a participatory process and the three Fields of Action derive from it: Innovation Workshop, Cooperation Network and Skilled Employee Matrix.
The important players of the Cluster identified the following three fields of action to be treated as focus areas:
- Innovation Workshop
- Cooperation Network
- Skilled Employees Matrix
Innovation Workshop
The field of action Innovation Workshop deals with topics related to materials and production as well as with new services/products and new solutions, with issues related to efficiency and sustainability as well as with new application fields for solutions made out of metal. An example of a successful project is the Innovation Centre Modern Industry Brandenburg | IMI Brandenburg.
Cooperation Network
The field of action Cooperation Network focuses on aspects related to the visibility of the important players, the self-image of “Metal in Brandenburg” as well as on the aspects of the exchange of information, knowledge and good practices. The goal is to close the gaps within the value process chain and the development process chain. A network offering support during initiation phases is the LMB | Network Lightweight Design Metal Brandenburg.
Skilled Employees Matrix
The field of action Skilled Employees Matrix encompasses training and further education of skilled employees and executives as well as their retention in businesses and their recruitment. With regard to this field of action, the Cluster management Metal works closely together with Brandenburg Invest | Labour and Brandenburg’s education providers. “Students on Tour” is an example of a successful project in this field. It focuses on actively establishing a contact between businesses and students in the state of Brandenburg early on.
Topics related to internationalisation are also playing an increasingly important role within the Cluster Metal Brandenburg. There are two cross-border focus areas in the Cluster, namely digitisation/automation and resource efficiency/lightweight design. The Cluster management has established numerous contacts with international partners from the business and scientific communities and accompanies project preparations between important players of the Cluster from Brandenburg and from abroad. Furthermore, numerous contacts with other metal-relevant Cluster managements in Europe and the USA exist; for example: the Cluster Metal is a partner of the transatlantic Cluster initiative.